Ancient Roman Coins (IV)


Date / Authority 98 -116 CE / Roman Empire – Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus
Denomination / Metal Denarius / AR (Argentum)
Minting Place (Zecca) Roma
Obverse (Dritto) IMP [TRAIANO AVG] GER DAC PM TRP COS VI PP, figure of Trajan’s laureate bust right
Reverse (Rovescio) SPQR OPTIMO [PRINCIPI], figure of Trajan’s Column
Weight 3.40 grammes
Diameter 19 mm.

Trajan (Traianus) was born in 53 CE in the Roman colony of Italica, in the present-day Spain. He ruled as Roman emperor between 98 and 117 CE. The Trajan’s Column, reported on the reverse of the above illustrated coin, celebrates the definite conquest of the Dacia (present-day Romania). For this reason, the cognomen of Dacicus was given to him by the Senatus. With the annexation of the province of Dacia, the Roman Empire reached its maximum extension.

The Trajan’s column was erected in Rome in the Forum Traiani which included also the so-called Trajan’s Markets and the Basilica Ulpia.

Here below some pictures of the Column and the remains of the Forum Traiani.


– Seaby H. A. “Roman Silver Coins”, vol. 2, 3rd edition, 1978