Month: July 2020

Stadium Domitiani (Piazza Navona)

(M. Valentini) – Maybe not everyone knows that, under the baroque square of Piazza Navona in Rome, the remains of the Stadium of Domitian can still be admired.

Actually, the Stadium was built by the Emperor Domitian (Titus Flavius Domitianus), who reigned from 81 to 96 AD. He was the son of the Emperor Vespasianus and younguer brother of Titus.

Piazza Navona, Roma

The Stadium was built at the Campus Martius, near the Theater of Pompey.  Based on the Greek  models, it was mostly used for athletic competions, that’s why it was also known as Circus Agonalis, from where the name Piazza Navona comes from. The Stadium had approximately 15,000 – 20,000 seats.

Here below, some pictures of the ancient Stadium taken by me.